Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Money back guarantee....

Well, my miracle wallpaper remover isn't a miracle.  Didn't work.  Please help me!  Anyone have the solution to my wallpaper misery?  Can't get the glue or bits of paper off the wall.  This is what I have tried so far:
1. Paper tiger with the following
2. Super hot water
3. Super hot water with Fabric softner
4. Steamer
5. TSP
6. DIF
7. Safe and Simple (NO MIRACLE)
So before I pull my hair out, send me your solutions.


  1. When Christie took off my wall paper (after I tried to do it for a month), she used vineger and water. She sprayed it on (plastic on the floor) and used a scraper to scrap it off. By the time I called her, most of it was the backing left on the wall after I had removed most of the wall paper.

  2. Thanks Penny- I will try that one! How awesome is that, just vinegar and water!
